Tuesday, April 3, 2012

E-Cooking with Recipe Exchanges

To create a business with exchanging recipes I have thought of some creative ways to do this. Since I love to bake, cook, eat, and talk, I have decided this would be a great way to get people together. But by getting people together I mean on the internet. For this business it is going to be to allow people to upload recipes with video on showing how to make their own recipes. Then have a cooking together day. Where we all sign in and have the ability to video with each other for free and show others how to make something or just share cooking ideas and recipes with each other live. To make a little money, I will have a way to for me to provide cooking classes through this video chat for a small fee. I will then do video chat to teach someone how to make something special in the convenience of their own home. This will come in handy for people that don’t cook and can’t afford to go take out of the home classes on cooking. If a special day is coming up and someone want to make someone special something for the occasion, but they can’t cook and they don’t want to pay a lot of money or they are embarrassed to admit it, this would be done in his/her home and will be confidential.

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