Monday, April 23, 2012

Brian Forth

Brian Forth is CEO of SiteCrafting. Brian came to our class to talk to us about his experience with his entrepreneurship ideas and what he has done in his journey. He has a double major, which include Theology and Philosophy. He also has a minor in Education. His dream was to be a filmmaker, but while in school he played baseball, which later played for Gonzaga where he was awarded the Pac 10 Player of the Week. With the minor in Education he began to teach 5th grade. During teaching he worked with students building websites, which helped give him the idea to start SiteCrafting business that creates websites for companies. One thing that I was very impressed about was that he creates web pages for any school that wants his help for free. The other application that he and his group has created that is very interesting is the mobile wine tour that will map out wine tasting places. This application can be downloaded for a small fee to your smart phone. Other things that he discussed were secrets to be a good entrepreneur, which were to take the risk, invest yourself into the project, trust your team, deliver more, make and keep bigger promises, and leverage your experience and your connections. Brian also mentioned somethings to think about with the Mobile and Web and they were that they had easy entry points; real business with real problems to solve; multiple platforms to support; quick updates, fixes, and testing; and play in your own sandbox when developing because if something goes wrong then you are only affecting your own area.

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