Monday, April 2, 2012

Elderly Equipment Library System

My first and main business is to help the elderly. I feel that there is no aid for elderly in need for equipment to help them in everyday activities, unless they are very rich or very poor. My business is a non-profit organization to allow any elderly to check-out everyday equipment that they need to make their lives easier and allow other individuals to donate equipment. This equipment could be anything from crutches, walkers or bathtub chairs to wheelchairs. I had a plan to make it a store to come in to and keep it local, but since this class is having me think of a way to us the computer/business ideas, I have decided to have it as an online check out system for anyone in the United States to use. My plan is to create a World Wide Library System online with equipment I have available for checkout and then elderly people could go online, create a membership, and search for their item and check the item out. I will be allowing them to check out the items on month to month bases, like a city book library system. Allowing members to go on-line to their account and donate, renew, change personal information, request more equipment, or request return, etc. Once they checkout the item I will send it to them for them to use, which still needs planning. After they are done with the item and want to return it, I will send them a box, with paid postage, to send the item back for other future check outs.

1 comment:

  1. This is a business that I want to start and am looking into starting as a non-profit organization. At this time it is a class project, but later would like to see it happen.
